Frequently Asked Questions

How does Fennell Spring stay ahead of the automotive OEM curve?

When it comes to quality, Fennell Spring practices preventive maintenance. In fact we continually update our knowledge of ongoing quality issues as well as our manufacturing processes to assure we meet our customers’ quality expectations.

Is there a minimum order?

Never. When you need a spring or wire form solution for a specific problem the last thing you need to worry about is numbers. Fennell Spring is committed to responsive, responsible manufacturing. We’ll make as many or as few springs as you need.




In The News

Fennell Spring Goes Above & Beyond

Fennell Spring voluntarily operates in a state of continual improvement with business excellence as the goal. We believe enhanced customer satisfaction is the key to this effort. So beyond all the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements for our springs and wire forms, each member of the Fennell Spring team from shop worker to management is driven by a desire to please you…our customer!  

View our ISO 9001:2015 Certificate


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